Katie Nafius - Network Specialist Lifetime Engagement
Katie pledged AOII in the fall of 2000 at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Chi Delta Chapter, which as since close. She has also served in the following AOII Alumnae positions:
Megan Ehrisman - Panhellenic Committee, Specialist
Megan pledged AOII in the fall of 1996 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Iota Chapter. She has also served in the following AOII Alumnae positions:
Ariel Kimmel - Membership Experience Adviser at Texas A&M - Tau Mu Chapter
Ariel pledged AOII in the fall of 2008 at Rhodes College, Kappa Omicron Chapter. She has also served in the following AOII Alumnae positions:
Rene Fitzgerald - RT&J Committee, RT&J Liaison Network 6, RT&J Co-Liaison Alumnae Chapters
Rene pledged AOII in the spring of 1957 at The University of Texas at Austin, Pi Kappa chapter which has since closed.